Breakfast with State Rep & Chair of the Cherokee County Legislative Delegation Mandi Ballinger

Breakfast with State Rep & Chair of the Cherokee County Legislative Delegation Mandi Ballinger
02/27/2021 8:30 AM
Location: Latitudes Restaurant 5947 Holly Springs Parkway, #202 Holly Springs, GA 30188

Registered attendees (85)

Date Name
02/23/2021 Sizemore, Charles
02/22/2021 Upton, Bud
02/22/2021 Canipe, Michael
02/22/2021 Mueller, Amy
02/22/2021 Cleaver, Annette
02/22/2021 Vitale, Jack
02/21/2021 Schulte, Tami
02/20/2021 Tilley, Barbara

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