Area Precinct Manager and Precinct Chair Meeting

  • 05/11/2022
  • 5:30 PM - 7:45 PM
  • Hickory Flat Library, 2740 E Cherokee Dr, Woodstock, GA 30115

Precinct Committee Meeting

When: 05/11/2022 5:30 PM - 7:45 PM, EDT
 Hickory Flat Library
2740 E Cherokee Dr, Woodstock, GA 30115


Guest Speaker: Chelle Brown 

Topic: What are our children learning at school?

Please, invite your precinct officers, members, and guests. This is a great opportunity to bring more people to the CCRP and build your precinct. Thanks to all who brought someone to the meeting last time. Every attendee receives a ticket. The precinct that brings the most members will receive a prize.

Some of you come straight from work. We would like to welcome all of you with some food, but we can't do it without your participation. So, if some of you can help, please, sign up here to bring a dish (snacks/finger foods) Refreshments and dessert will be provided. We appreciate your help.

Precinct Chair Success:

  • Who is going to be the chair of the month?
  • Are you having a successful month? Have you connected with your precinct members? Have you worked to fill all the positions on your precinct committee? Have you contacted anyone on your list to come to one of the CCRP events? These are only some of the actions that you, as a precinct chair, can do to help your precinct. We'll share some of the successes and tips.
Precinct Chair CCRP Email:
If you still don't have your CCRP email working, that's the time to fix it. We'll be helping all precinct chairs who need assistance.

THANK YOU for your commitment. 

Registration opens at 5 pm.

The Precinct Area Managers really appreciate all the precinct teams (chairs, vice-chairs, and secretaries) and we welcome any comments, concerns, and/or ideas. Feel free to contact us, your Precinct Area Managers. We'd love to hear from you.

Looking forward to seeing you.

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