2023 - 2025 Cherokee County Republican Party Officers
Officer information is now only available under the members area
Chair | James Dvorak | chair@cherokeegop.org |
First Vice Chair | Todd Smith | vicechair@cherokeegop.org |
Vice Chair of Candidates and Elected Officials | Honey Burfield | vc-candidates@cherokeegop.org |
Vice Chair of Communications | Sean Allen | vc-communications@cherokeegop.org |
Vice Chair of Fundraising and Events | Lisa Happe | vc-fundraising@cherokeegop.org |
Vice Chair of Membership | Marcia Cox | vc-membership@cherokeegop.org |
Treasurer | Lisa Jaqua | treasurer@cherokeegop.org |
Assistant Treasurer | Mary Sears | asst-treasurer@cherokeegop.org |
Secretary | Ann O'Mara | secretary@cherokeegop.org |
Assistant Secretary | Jim Riticher |
asst-secretary@cherokeegop.org |
Precinct Manager Area 1 | Honey Burfield | pm-area1@cherokeegop.org |
Precinct Manager Area 2 | James Dvorak | pm-area2@cherokeegop.org |
Precinct Manager Area 3 | Susann Haddad | pm-area3@cherokeegop.org |
Precinct Manager Area 4 | Sandy Docherty | pm-area4@cherokeegop.org |
Parliamentarian - non voting | Brian Anderson | parliamentarian@cherokeegop.org |